What is The Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC)?

Facing allegations of sexual assault in the military is a daunting and potentially life-altering experience. One key player in the military justice system you must understand is the Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC). Whether you are in the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, or Space Force, if you are being investigated for what is known as a “covered offense,” OSTC will be the primary office handling your case. This guide provides an in-depth look at the OSTC, including its establishment, functions, the types of cases it handles, the decisions it can make, and how an expert military lawyer can effectively represent you when dealing with the OSTC.


The Establishment of the Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC)

Historical Context

Congress established the OSTC as part of a broader effort to address serious crimes within the military justice system, particularly sexual assault and other violent offenses. The creation of this office was driven by concerns over how the Department of Defense was handling such cases, leading to calls for more specialized and independent oversight of what is known as “covered offenses.”

Legislative Foundations

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 played a pivotal role in establishing the OSTC through one of its many military justice reforms. This legislation mandated the formation of an office specifically designed to handle the prosecution of serious offenses, including sexual assault, child pornography, and violent offenses, to ensure that these cases are managed at higher levels of expertise and impartiality.

Official Inception

The OSTC officially commenced operations in early 2021. Its creation marked a significant shift in how the military addresses allegations of serious crimes, with a focus on the transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of the military justice system.

The Functions of the Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC)

Independent Prosecution Authority

The primary function of the OSTC is to serve as an independent prosecution authority within the military justice system. This office is tasked with prosecuting serious offenses, known as “covered offenses,” ensuring that cases are handled by specialized JAG attorneys who possess the necessary expertise and impartiality.

Case Management and Oversight

The OSTC is responsible for the management and oversight of cases involving serious offenses. This includes conducting thorough investigations, gathering and evaluating evidence, and making prosecutorial decisions based on the merits of each case.

Coordination with Military Commands

While the OSTC operates independently, it coordinates closely with military commands to ensure that cases are handled efficiently and effectively. This coordination includes sharing information, providing legal advice, and ensuring that all procedural requirements are met.

Types of Cases Handled by the OSTC

The OSTC handles what is known as “covered offenses,” serious criminal cases that can no longer only be dealt with by your chain of command.

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

One of the primary focuses of the OSTC is the prosecution of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. Because sexual assault and sexual harassment cases are among the most prevalent in the court-martial system, OSTC’s handling of those matters can often be frustrating for military service members.

Violent Crimes

The OSTC also handles cases involving violent offenses cases such as murder, manslaughter, domestic violence, and aggravated assault. These cases require specialized legal expertise and a thorough understanding of military law and procedures.

High-Profile and Sensitive Cases

High-profile and sensitive cases that may impact the reputation and integrity of the military are also within the purview of the OSTC. This includes cases involving senior military personnel or those with significant media attention.

Other Serious Offenses

In addition to the aforementioned categories, the OSTC is responsible for prosecuting other serious offenses that may occur within the military, such as large-scale fraud, drug trafficking, and serious breaches of military conduct that affect good order and discipline.

Facing Court Martial

Decisions Made by the OSTC

Preferring Charges

One of the key decisions the OSTC can make is whether to prefer charges against a service member accused of a serious offense. Preferring charges means formally accusing the individual and moving forward with prosecution. This decision is based on a thorough review of the evidence and the merits of the case.

Deferring to Command

In some instances, the OSTC may exercise authority to defer the case to the command for other disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) rather than pursue formal court-martial charges. This decision is typically made when the evidence does not support a court-martial, but some level of disciplinary action is deemed appropriate.

Referral for Further Investigation

The OSTC can also refer a case for further investigation if additional evidence or clarification is needed. This allows OSTC to gather evidence that military investigators may have neglected.

Dismissal of Charges

If the evidence does not support the allegations or if there are significant procedural issues, the OSTC has the authority to dismiss charges. This decision is made to ensure that only cases with sufficient evidence and legal merit proceed to prosecution.

How an Expert Military Lawyer Can Best Represent You with the OSTC

Understanding OSTC Procedures

An expert military lawyer is crucial in navigating the procedures and protocols of the OSTC. They understand the specific requirements and processes involved in OSTC cases, allowing them to effectively advocate on your behalf.

Building a Strong Defense

A skilled military lawyer will build a robust defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case. This includes gathering and analyzing evidence, identifying potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and presenting a compelling defense.

Effective Communication and Negotiation

Effective communication and negotiation skills are essential when dealing with the OSTC. You want an experienced lawyer who can engage with OSTC prosecutors to discuss the merits of the case, negotiate plea deals, or argue for the dismissal of charges based on insufficient evidence. This is perhaps the best way that a skilled military defense counsel can help you through the OSTC process — by leveraging personal contacts and relationships to negotiate a good outcome in your case.

Advocacy and Support

Beyond legal representation, an expert military lawyer provides advocacy and support throughout the legal process. They ensure that your rights are protected, keep you informed about the progress of your case, and provide guidance and reassurance during this challenging time.

Knowledge of Military Culture

An experienced military lawyer understands the unique aspects of military culture and the pressures faced by service members. This knowledge enables them to relate to your situation, effectively communicate your defense, and navigate the military justice system with greater insight.

In Summary

The Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC) plays a critical role in the military justice system, particularly in handling serious offenses such as sexual assault and violent crimes. Understanding the functions, decision-making processes, and case management practices of the OSTC is essential for any service member facing allegations of sexual assault. An expert military lawyer, like the team at The Military Defense Firm, is your best ally in navigating this complex legal landscape, providing the specialized knowledge, strategic defense, and unwavering support needed to achieve the best possible outcome.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation

If you are facing allegations of sexual assault in the military, it is crucial to act swiftly and secure expert legal representation. Schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced military lawyers today. We are dedicated to defending your rights and providing the expert legal representation you need. Contact us now to take the first step toward securing your defense.

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